A l'altra banda del semàfor la que va ser profe meva de l'acadèmia ara farà un parell d'anys em saluda.
Merda faig tard a l'acadèmia, em tocarà la cadira xunga segur.
Al meu costat tres homes, guiris, rondant la seixantena. A partir d'ara anomenats, els iaios verdes per fer-ho més curt.
(els iaios verdes parlen entre ells en angles i es pensen que no els entenc)
Iaio verde nº1 (el lider) - She looks like Penelope Cruz. Don't you think so?
I.V nº2 - Absolutely
MaRiNa (que li rebenta que parlin d'ella a esquenes seves) - That I look like who?
I.V nº1 -Like Penelope cruz! Noone said this before to you?
MaRiNa - No. (visca la cara the mala ostia!) And she is like that (senyalo una alçada de metre i mig)
I.V nº1 - Of course! You are the tall version of Pe. I know her and I can assure you that you look like her.
I.V nº3 - But I like tall woman. They are the best (ell tota l'estona callat però deixa'l anar quan vol!)
Aquí tenim a la Pe:
I jo només m'assemblo a la Pe en el blanc dels ulls.
Continuant amb la col·lecció de rarezes del carrer, crec que ampliaré aquesta secció.
10 comentaris:
Dear Friend
It's nice for me to have found this blogg of yours. I read and saw what I could, my time is short.
I sure hope and wish that you take courage enough to pay me a visit in my PALAVROSSAVRVS REX!, and plus get some surprise with my work there. My blogg is so cool! Don't think for a minute that my invitation is spam and I'm a spammer.
I often come across with so good but lonely bloggs in my friendly random search,
my search for a public that may like or love what I POETRY write and also CHRONICLE,
among other types of Artistic Texts: we all search HAPINESS and JOY, don't we?
Well I'm realy happy to have found YOU.
I've learned and seen a lot after much more than 10.000 bloggs I've visted in the late three months.
And I will, like Titanic's Kate, keep on and on and on and, like the song, feel that I 'Still haven't found what I'm looking for'.
When you come and visit me feel free to comment as you wish and, TOGETHER, let's make blogguing universal,
realy universal, as well all the essential causes that bring us all together by visiting, helping and loving one another this GENTLE way.
Let me tell you that some I visit feel invaded and ofended that I present myself this way in their blogs
and rudely insult me back or post a mockery post on me.
Some think I'm playing the smart guy who wants to profit in some way from (and with) others curiosity and benevolence.
Some simply ignore me.
Some aknowledge that It's most important we all take notion that there's milions of us bloguing arownd the world
and thus vital any kind of awareness of eachother such as I believe
this my self-introduction card and insert apeal brings in.
May you be one of those open and friendly spirits.
Don't feel obliged to come and visit me.
An invitation is not an intimation. Know that if you FOR A SECOND click on one of my GOOGLE ADS
I can earn a lot of money and so can you and there no shame in it.
I would feel happy and rewarded if you did click it FOR A SECOND
because certainly I WOULD DO IT FOR YOU in case you had them and asked me.
I think ind the end it's to UNITE MANKIND that we became bloggers!
When in my blogg don't see language as an obstacle but as a challenge
(though you can use the translater BabelFish at the bottom of my page!)
and think for a minute if I and the rest of the world are not expecting something like a broad cumplicity that you're a part of.
Remenber that pictures talk also and I have de most delicious ones.
I Hope this message of mine had helped you in some way.
See you soon, MY FRIEND.
May the LORD bless our HEARTS and fill them with PEACE AND MOTIVATION
to endure our Lives the best way we can.
Deunido amb el pesetero d'en Joshua !!!
Anyway coincideixo amb els meus compatriotes(segur que eren anglesos....l'absolutely els delata..)
T'hauries d'haver quedat calledeta una estona mes llarga per veure si comentaven certes parts de la teva anatomia....jaja!
la Pe aquesta és un comodí. si ets noia, morena i amb ulls foscos, abans o després diran que t'assembles a la Pe (sense que ho demanis, es clar).
A ma germana també li ha passat, i tampoc no s'assembla ni a la Pe ni a tu.
jajajja que cutre es la gent, vaja floretes que et tiren... xD s'ho podrien currar mes??
per cert, qui es en joshua? xD
um... doncs jo no li veig mal... bé... a mi la Pet no m'agrada gens... però d'altra banda els piropos mai estan de més... no? ;)
a mi pel carrer no me'n fan!
joshua frikiiiiiiiiiii
escurso jajaj no no, que no ens assemblem, ni es bo ni es dolent pero simplement no ens assemblem
mauro exacte, comodi, l'unic que jo no vaig dient als tios del carrer que s'assemblen al Bardem
az ni zorra de qui es en joshua!
esteve no, no estan de més, a més sino que us explicaria??? xDD
ara falta la teva foto per a que poguem comparar i opinar.
per cert, quines iaies que tens nena!
Doncs si no t'hi assembles, segur que ets maca!
Encara hauré encertat posan-te al meu meme XD
robertinhos no es molt dificil conseguir una foto meva, pero axo ho deixo pels espavilats!
sisi, tinc unes iaies increibles
el veí de dalt veig que t'agrada poc..
ulisses que ho dubtes??? jo soc genial! xD (sembla que no tingui iaia, i vaja dues que tinc)
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